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Financial Aid Options

Investing in Your Calling. A high-quality Christian education from Regent is affordable and a wise investment. As you consider the cost of higher education, there are many financial aid options including loans that must be repaid and gift aid in the form of grants or scholarships. Consider these different types of financial aid for college carefully as they could affect your future financial stability.

Long-term debt can hinder your ability to pursue your calling once you finish your education. For this reason, we encourage you to borrow wisely and live within a reasonable budget while you are in school. Loans can help you finance your education, but they are not intended to subsidize an extravagant lifestyle while you are a student. If possible, seek out as many scholarships and grants as you can find before considering other forms of student financial aid such as loans.

To help you reach your educational and career goals, the Regent University financial aid team will work closely with you to design an aid package that is best for your situation. Explore the options below to learn more about the types of financial aid for college available to you.

Federal Aid

The U.S. Department of Education awards about $120 billion a year in financial aid through grants, student loans and other programs.* Some federal aid is gift aid, or grants, that do not need to be paid back; while other aid consists of student loans that must be repaid.

State Aid

State aid is funded by your state of residence. Regent accepts all state aid, but options for out-of-state students can be limited. Typically, states provide aid to encourage residents to pursue education within their home state, but some out-of-state aid is available.

Institutional Aid

Regent University offers scholarships to graduate, professional or doctoral students through the generosity of university donors. Competition for these awards is highly selective. The number of awards is limited and varies each year. Current and accepted incoming Regent University students who meet the qualifications of the scholarship may apply for a Donor Funded scholarship.

Military Benefits

Multiple federally funded programs exist to assist military personnel and their families with the cost of higher education.  Programs include Tuition Assistance (TA), the G.I. Bill, Vocational Rehabilitation, and more.


Regent University advocates the use of non-loan funds to cover educational costs whenever possible and the Student Financial Aid office provides information on third party scholarship opportunities that come to our attention.


Grants are typically considered as gift aid that you will not be required to repay. Many grants and scholarships can be combined, so you should seek out and apply for as many as you can. There are thousands of options available, but some will have very specific eligibility criteria. Regent also offers church-match grants, need-based grants, and legacy awards.