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A student studying at the Regent law library in Virginia Beach.

Law Admissions & Financial Aid

Office of Law Admissions & Financial Aid Contact Information: 877.267.5072 |

Regent University Law Cultivates Practice-Ready Lawyers

Your decision to become a lawyer means you are embarking on a life-changing journey that will require dedication. We encourage all prospective law students to begin their law school admissions process with a thorough review of our academic program offerings. We also invite you to learn about some of our impactful alumni and join us for a Law Admissions & Aid event to engage with our admissions staff and faculty and gain an in-depth look at Regent University School of Law. View Regent Law’s current ABA Required Disclosure information, including our Employment Summary Report.

4,315 Alumni Work in All 50 States, D.C. & 20 Nations

U.S. map of the total number of J.D. alumni working in all 50 states and D.C.: 3,578.
J.D. Alumni
U.S. map of the total number of M.A. in Law alumni working in all 50 states and D.C.: 737.
M.A. in Law Alumni

Admission Requirements

Law school admission requirements vary by program. Select your program below to learn how to apply.

  • LSAT Score: 158
  • GPA: 3.64

Students admitted to Regent Law may request that prior J.D. coursework from other law schools be applied to their J.D. degree at Regent University. Read our Transfer Credit Policy for more details.

The Joint Degree program at Regent University offers students an opportunity to subsequently earn two master’s degrees from different Regent schools, which may reduce the overall number of credit hours required to earn those degrees. Students enrolled in the full-time J.D. program may obtain a joint degree in business, communication, counseling, or government, earning both degrees in significantly less time than would be required if they were pursued separately.

In addition to the program-specific requirements listed above, international applicants need to submit supplementary admission requirements. These requirements will change depending on several factors, such as citizenship and visa status. For more information, please visit our International Students Admissions page.

A lawyer or other professional who would like to increase his or her knowledge in highly specialized and rapidly changing fields of law may apply to law school for admission as a non-degree student. Non-degree students must demonstrate that they have the necessary prerequisites for the course they desire and have the permission of the course instructor before registering. Non-degree students are limited to a maximum of 9 credits. Non-degree students may not enroll in experiential courses such as practicum or internship. Applicants seeking non-degree status must meet the published entrance requirements and must submit the following in the application packet.

  1. Regent University Online Application.
  2. Non-refundable application fee ($65) paid online or by check sent through the mail
  3. Official Undergraduate Degree-Posted Transcript
  4. Goal Statement (Explain your need or interest in pursuing law courses as a non-degree student and your career outcomes)
  5. Current Resume
  6. LSAT Score (If completed)
  • May not transfer earned credits toward a degree-granting curriculum within the law school.
  • Are not eligible to receive financial aid and will submit all course assignments and participate in exams.
  • Must submit the Regent University Online Application
  • May pursue enrollment in selected classes at Regent Law, although priority registration is granted to students earning degrees from Regent University.

On a case-by-case basis, a student may be granted a one-year deferment after being accepted to Regent Law. Learn more.

“I was incredibly blessed to learn from committed men and women who were so knowledgeable about their field. They were also just as passionate and committed to their faith and investing in their students.”
Rebekah Woods, Doctor of Organizational Leadership, J.D., 2004, 1994
“When I began working for the state of Texas, I immediately began putting the values of servant leadership and ethics I learned at Regent into practice. My Christian faith holds me together and helps me fight tooth-and-nail as an advocate for justice.”
Grace Pandithurai, J.D., 2010 Assistant District Attorney
“Regent really prepares students to face the legal field’s constant changes. The professors teach you how to research. Even though I never took business law classes that might be helpful now, I’ve been given the tools to find the answers I need.”
Kristen Jurjevich, J.D., 2010
“I encourage all of you to join the CEFLER mentoring program. It’s critical for development because you have to rely on more than just a set of rules; you have to rely on a moral compass.”
K. Barrett Luxhoj,
“I learned all I could at Regent, because I knew He would eventually draw it all back out of me to use for someone else’s good.”
Sharla Mylar, Juris Doctor (J.D.), 2017 Assistant Attorney General, Alaska Department of Law