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Stephen Parker, Ph.D.
Professor EmeritusCounseling Department

Stephen Parker, Ph.D.


Dr. Stephen Parker is a licensed professional counselor and professor emeritus in the School of Psychology & Counseling at Regent. He has a B.A. in Psychology from University of Tennessee, an M.A. in General Psychology from Middle Tennessee State University, an M.Div. in Ministry from Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Th.M. in New Testament from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Theology and Personality Studies from Emory University.

He has been interested in the integration of psychological thought and Christian faith since his undergraduate studies at University of Tennessee. Parker did a one-year clinical training residency as a chaplain at a psychiatric hospital, and it was this experience that especially allowed him to see ways that the field of psychology and Christian ministry could come together in mutually helpful ways. Other areas of interest include religious and spiritual development, as well as theory integration.


Ph.D. Theology and Personality Studies, Emory University Th.M. New Testament, Princeton Theological Seminary M.Div. Ministry, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary M.A. General Psychology, Middle Tennessee State University B.A. Psychology, University of Tennessee Licensure/Certification: Licensed Professional Counselor, National Certified Counselor



Parker, S. (2012). Winnicott and religion. Lanham, MD: Jason Aronson Publishers.

Parker, S. (1996). Led by the Spirit: Toward a practical theology of Pentecostal discernment
and decision making. Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press.

Journal Articles:

Parker, S. (2014). "Tradition-based integration: A Pentecostal perspective." Journal of
Psychology and Christianity, 33, 311-321.

Parker, S. (2011). "Spirituality in counseling: A faith development perspective." Journal
of Counseling and Development, 89, 112-120.

Parker, S. (2010). "Research in Fowler’s faith development theory: A review article."
Review of Religious Research, 51, 233-252.

Parker, S. & Davis, E. (2009). "The false self in Christian contexts: A Winnicottian perspective."
Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 28, 315-325.

Parker, S. (2009). "Scriptural allusions in the writings of D.W. Winnicott." Psychoanalytic
Review, 96, 633-648.

Parker, S. (2009). "Faith development theory as a context for supervision of spiritual and
religious issues." Counselor Education and Supervision, 49, 39-53.

Parker, S. & Thomas, R. (2009). "Psychological differences in shame vs. guilt:
Implications for mental health counselors." Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 31,

Parker, S., Dewberry, J., Lloyd, B. & Smith, J. (2009). "Moving away, against and toward
God: Karen Horney’s neurotic trends and relationship with God." Journal of Psychology
and Christianity, 28, 36-43.

Parker, S. (2008). "Winnicott’s object relations theory and the work of the Holy Spirit." Journal of
Psychology and Theology, 36, 285-293.

Vuncannon, J., Parker, S., Rehfuss, M., & Blagen, M. (2008). "The perceptions of attachment
style and forgiveness in romantic couples." Virginia Counselors Journal, 30, 43-49.

Tate, Y. & Parker, S. (2007). "Using Erikson’s developmental theory to understand and nurture
spiritual development in Christians." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 26, 218-


Member of Christian Association for Psychological Studies, 1994-present
Member of American Counseling Association, 1998-present
Member of Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, 1998-present
Member of Virginia Counselors Association, 1998-present
Member of APA, Division 36 (Psychology of Religion), 2008-2011
Member of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, 1996-2008
Member of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion 1996-2008
Member of American Association of Christian Counselors, 1993-2006, 2011
Member of American Academy of Religion, 1991-2002
Member, Association for Spirituality, Ethics, and Religious Values in Counseling, 1998-2002
Member of Religious Research Association, 1996-2000
Member of American Psychological Society, 1996
Member of Society for Biblical Literature, 1991-1992
Member of Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, 1982-1983
Vice-President/Member, Chattanooga Chap., Amer. Society for Training & Develop., 1974-1975
Member, Chattanooga Personnel Club, 1972-1975


William L. Hathaway Outstanding Faculty Award, 2012, Regent University SPC
Outstanding Teacher of the Year, 1998, Regent University
Teacher of the Year, 1998, Regent University School of Counseling and Human Services
Advisor of the Year, 1991, Tomlinson College
Wilbur T. Elmore Prize, 1981, Eastern Baptist Seminary (for original research)
Cum laude, University of Tennessee, Chattanooga