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Philip C. Bom, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus

Philip C. Bom, Ph.D.


Specializing in political economy and international affairs, Dr. Philip C. Bom is the author of two significant books on politics, Academocracy and Trudeau’s Canada. Born in Holland, he is an American citizen who holds the A.B. from Calvin College and a Ph.D. in social sciences from the Free University of Amsterdam.

An experienced teacher and scholar, Bom has held faculty positions at the University of Dubuque, at Gordon College, and at St. Stephen’s University. From 1977 to 1982, Bom served as advisor to members of the Canadian Parliament before he joined the Regent University faculty. His publications at Regent include monographs on international affairs, particularly the Soviet Union. In 1992 he published a book titled The Coming Century of Commonism: The Beauty and the Beast of Global Governance.

Field of Expertise:

  • International Politics


AB Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI Political Science, minor in Economics

Graduate course work University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Drs. Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Social Sciences

Ph.D. Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Published thesis: Academocracy


"Hemispheric Integration" manuscript chapter in How I Pray. Jim Castelli, Editor New York: Ballantine Books, 1994.

The Coming Century of Commonism: The Beauty and the Beast of Global Governance. Virginia Beach: Policy Books, 1992.

War Called Peace: A Soviet Strategy for World Domination. Chesapeake: National Perspectives Institute, 1986.

Trading Sovereignty: U.S., Canada, and the GATT. Co-authored with Robert D. DuVall. Chesapeake: National Perspectives Institute, 1986.

Trudeau's Canada. St. Catharines: Guardian Publishing Co., 1977.

Academocracy. Amsterdam: Free University Press, The Netherlands, 1975.


Institute for Christian Studies

Toronto Center for Public Justice

American Association of Canadian Studies

Association of Christians in Political Science


Regent University Teacher of the Year, 1987