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A close up of pink flowers on a tree blooming on Regent University's Virginia Beach campus.
Joseph N. Kickasola, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus

Joseph N. Kickasola, Ph.D.


Extensive training in linguistics and ancient languages brought Dr. Joseph N. Kickasola to public policy as professor of International Affairs. He served as a pastor from 1961 to 1966, and as professor of Old Testament, Hebrew and Aramaic at Ashland Theological Seminary (OH) from 1971 to 1985. His degrees are from Houghton College, Westminster Theological Seminary, and Brandeis University (Ph.D. in Egyptian hieroglyphics and Coptic).

Teaching specializations include international affairs and the Middle East, as well as biblical languages and biblical law. He holds a joint appointment in the schools of Government and Law. He has published various articles and tapes on biblical and theological topics, especially on the relevance of biblical law to current affairs. In 2008 he published an article in the Regent Journal of International Law, entitled “The Clash Over the Qur’an: Qur’anic Reinterpretation and National Reformation in Islam.” Since 9/11/2001, based on his knowledge of Islam and written Arabic, he has spoken widely on Islamic politics (e.g., radio, USNORTHCOM, and the Pentagon). Since 2008, he has taught in Israel for the Schools of Law and Government each summer.

Fields of Expertise:

  • Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies
  • Biblical Law


Houghton College, Houghton, NY (1958-1962), B.A., Bible major, History and Greek minors

Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA (1962-1966), B.D., Old Testament emphasis (the B.D., a post-baccalaureate degree, is now called the M.Div. at WTS and elsewhere in the U.S.)

Westminster Theological Seminary (1966-1967), finished residence toward Th.M. in Semitic languages (thesis never finished since it involved Late Egyptian, which WTS did not teach, but Brandeis did)

Brandeis University, Waltham, MA (1967-1969), M.A. in Mediterranean Studies (ancient languages, history and culture)

Brandeis University (1969-75), Ph.D. in Egyptology (Egyptian hieroglyphics & Coptic), dissertation title: Sahidic Coptic (N) . . . AN Negation Patterns: A Morpho-Syntactic Description of Sentences and Adjuncts


Kickasola, Joseph N. Sahidic Coptic (N) . . . AN Negation Patterns: A Morpho-Syntactic Description of Sentences and Adjuncts. Ph.D. dissertation, Brandeis University, 1975. Ann Arbor, MI: Xerox, University Microfilms, 75-24,811, n.d.

"A Synopsis of Sahidic Coptic (N) . . . AN Negation Patterns: A Morpho-Syntactic Description of Sentences and Adjuncts." Abstracts of papers read at Johns Hopkins University, November 14-15, at the 1975 Annual Meeting of the American Research Center in Egypt, Inc. Newsletter of the American Research Center in Egypt, Inc. 95 (Fall 1975-Winter 1976): 7-8.

"A 'Midrashic' Approach to Matthew's Gospel." American Messianic Jewish Quarterly 2 (Spring 1976): 18-19.

"The Relationship of Law and Grace," and "The Significance of Sacrificial Ritual Acts." Westminster Media audio cassette tapes JK 101 and JK 102.

The Harry A. Worcester Lectureship of March 8-9, 1976, "Two Theological Studies in Biblical Law: A Foundation and Application." Westminster Media, P.O. Box 27009, Philadelphia, PA 19118.

"Leviticus and Trine Communion." Ashland Theological Bulletin 10 (Spring 1977): 1-58.

"Theonomies and Theocracies: The Current Variety in Interpreting Biblical Law." Westminster Media audio cassette tape JU JK 1.

The Jubilee Conference of Westminster Theological Seminary, August 31-September 3, 1979, "Interpreting God's Infallible Word." Westminster Media, P.O. Box 27009, Philadelphia, PA 19118.

"The Old Testament Basis for Threefold Communion." The Brethren Evangelist, March 1980: 6-11.

"The Bible, Ethics, and Public Policy." Journal of Christian Reconstruction 11 (1985): 111- 127.

"What I Wish My Students Knew When They Got Here." The 1988 Seminary & Graduate School Handbook, 1987, pp. 40, 42. Reprinted twice since then in this annual publication (latest 1992).

"How to Think & Live the Christian Worldview," "Conflicting Worldviews: The Dilemma of Double-Mindedness," and "A Christian Worldview of Language." Christian Liberty Academy audio cassette tapes 053, 056, and 059.

The Fourth Midwest Annual Christian Reconstruction Conference, March 3-4, 1989, "The Christian Worldview: The Reality of Christ's Lordship." Christian Liberty Academy, 502 W. Euclid, Arlington Heights, IL 60004.

"The Theonomic Response to Christian America." Chapter 10 in God and Politics: Four Views on the Reformation of Civil Government, Gary Scott Smith, ed. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1989, pp. 150-157.

"Kissing the Son: The Tragedy of the Conscience, the Crescent and the Cross" [paper on the global threat of Islam], The Christian Statesman, vol. 136, no. 4 (July-August, 1993), pp. 3-13.

"Reaching the Muslim Community." Lifeline: News about the Life of Regent University, ed. Ray Horowitz. Virginia Beach, VA: Office of Development, Regent University, December 1995, p. 4. 25

Christian Worldview Student Conference, Virginia Wesleyan College, July 7-11, 1997.

"A Biblical View of Nations." "A Christian View of Language." "A Biblical View of Islam." "A Biblical View of Middle East Politics." Four audiotapes copyrighted by Hampton (VA) Calvary Reformed Church, 1997.

"Capital Punishment and the Bible." The Virginian-Pilot, Saturday, 11 October, 1997, B8.

"The Clash of Civilizations WITHIN Islam: The Struggle over the Qur'an between Muslim Democrats and Theocrats" [38 pp]. Web-published on 08 August 2006 at the website of the Center for Vision & Values, of Grove City College, PA, where the above paper was delivered, 05-06 April 2006 at its conference, "Mr. Jefferson Goes to the Middle East: Democracy's Prospects in the Arab World." The seven main speakers (in alphabetical order) were Kickasola (Joseph N.), Marshall (Paul), Masmoudi (Radwan), Novak (Michael), Peters (Ralph), Pipes (Daniel), and Sullivan (Antony).

"WANTED: A Petition to Support Muslim Democrats. A Guest Commentary" [777 words]. Web-published on 08 August 2006 at the website, with an electronic link to the above conference paper. On 10 August 2006 it was web-published on the first page of Chuck Colson's website, "BreakPoint" as a Guest Commentary, entitled "Freedom Fighters" (, remaining there two weeks, and is now found in the BreakPoint archives (listed under "Articles," 22Aug2006).

"The Clash over the Qur'an: Qur'anic Reinterpretation and National Reformation in Islam," Regent Journal of International Law, vol. 6.2 (Spring 2008), pp. 271-312 (42 pp.).

My review of Stephen Sizer's book, Zion's Christian Soldiers? The Bible, Israel and the Church, Spring 2009 issue of Religious Studies Review.



Has held at different times memberships in the

  • American Oriental Society
  • American Research Center in Egypt
  • Egypt Exploration Society
  • Socie_te_ d'Arche_ologie Copte
  • Evangelical Theological Society
  • Society of Biblical Literature
  • National Association of Professors of Hebrew in American Institutions of Higher Learning (Õigguwd hap-prowfessowriym l'-_ibriyt b'-Õars.owt ha-b'riyt).

During 1994 and 1995, member of the Social Science History Association, attending its conferences in Atlanta (on a panel, 1994) and Chicago (read a panel paper, "The Applicability of Biblical Law to a Pluralistic Liberal State," 1995).

Currently a member of the American Political Science Association (attended its 95th Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA, 1999; and its 98th Annual Meeting in Boston, MA, speaking on its Roundtable, "Islam, Christianity, and Natural Right," 2002).

Attended the American Association of Law Schools (AALS) annual conference in Atlanta, GA, 2004.

Currently a member of the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy (markaz dira'sa.t 'al-Õ'isla'm wa-'l-diymuwqra't.iyya.h), offices in Washington, D.C., attending its D.C. meetings annually in recent years.

Currently a member of the Christian Legal Society, attending its annual meeting in McLean, VA, 2004.


Has been on the Steering Committee of the "International Church Council Project" of COR (Coalition on Revival, Murphys, CA, Dr. Jay Grimstead, Coordinator), from 1990 to present.

Has been on the Board of Theologians for the Christian Film & Television Commission/Good News Communication (Los Angeles, CA, Dr. Ted Baehr, chairman), from 1996 to present.


National Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellow, Brandeis University, 1970-1971.

"The Outstanding Teacher of the Year," CBN University, Commencement Service, 21May1988. (Note. CBN University changed its name to Regent University on January 1, 1990. The abbreviation "CBN" means "the Christian Broadcasting Network," which remains the worldwide and expanding Christian television network founded by Pat Robertson, situated in Virginia Beach, VA. It has birthed numerous television stations, such as Middle East Television, and the Family Channel.)

Granted, from Fall 2002 to Spring 2007, a joint appointment in the Robertson School of Government, the School of Law, and the School of Divinity. From Fall 2007 on, this load does not include DIV.

Received the "Twenty-Year Distinguished Service Award" from Regent University, Oct. 2005.