S. Ernie Walton, J.D.
Associate Dean of Administration & AdmissionsAssistant ProfessorFaculty Director for the Center for Global Justice®contact meMore about S. Ernie Walton, J.D.S. Ernie Walton, J.D.
Dean Walton serves as Associate Dean of Administration & Admissions, faculty director of Regent Law’s Center for Global Justice®, and Assistant Professor, where he has taught various courses, including Sales, Business Structures & Agency, International Law, National Security Law, and International Business Transactions.
Outside of his work at Regent, Ernie served as a law clerk to the Honorable D. Arthur Kelsey of the Virginia Supreme Court. He also practiced law in Southern California at Tyler & Bursch, LLP, where he specialized in civil litigation and business law. He also simultaneously served as an associate attorney at Advocates for Faith & Freedom, a non-profit law firm that specializes in protecting religious freedom. Through Advocates, Ernie represented various churches in RLUIPA cases and helped defend pastors who were arrested for evangelizing on public property, among other things.
At Regent, Ernie graduated first in his class, served as the Notes and Comments Editor of Regent University Law Review, and clerked for the American Center for Law and Justice. Ernie is also a Blackstone Fellow (2009) and former mentor (2010).
Ernie lives in Chesapeake, VA with his wife, who he met at Regent Law, and their two children, Caleb and Evangeline. Ernie is an ordained pastor at Redeemer Church, loves Philadelphia sports, and enjoys coaching his children in soccer.
B.S., Houghton College, Business Administration/Economics, magna cum laude
J.D., Regent University School of Law, summa cum laude
In Loco Parentis, the First Amendment, and Parental Rights—Can they Coexist in Public Schools?, 55 Tex. Tech L. Rev. 461 (2023).
Gender Identity Ideology: The Totalitarian, Unconstitutional Takeover of America’s Public Schools, 34 Regent U. L. Rev. 219 (2022).
The Fundamental Right to Homeschool: A Historical Response to Professor Bartholet, 25 Texas Rev. L. & Pol. 377 (2021).
Protecting Sex Trafficking Victims Through Expungement and Vacatur Statutes: Will Virginia Join the Rest of the Nation? 6 Regent J. Glob. Just. & Pub. Pol'y 95 (2020).
The Judicial Philosophy of Chief Justice John Roberts: An Analysis Through the Eyes of International Law, 30 Emory Int'l L. Rev. 391 (2016).
Preserving the European Convention on Human Rights: Why the UK's Threat to Leave the Convention Could Save It, 42. Cap. U. L. Rev. 977 (2014).
How Zivotofksy II and the Conservative Divide Over the Foreign Affairs Power Could Impact the Trump Administration, 46 Cap. U. L. Rev. 471 (2018).
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