The Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership (JBPL) is a refereed scholarly journal that aims to provide a forum for international research and exploration of leadership studies focused on the Hebrew and Christian scriptures. Representing the multidisciplinary fields of biblical, social-science, historical, and leadership studies, the JBPL publishes qualitative research papers that explore, engage, and extend the field of knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of leadership within the contexts of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.

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2024 Call for Papers Deadlines: July 1 (Abstracts); August 31 (Completed Manuscripts)

Fall 2024 Issue Call for Papers:

JPBL encourages manuscript submissions that contribute to diverse conceptualizations of the theme for the Fall 2024 issue: "Biblical Perspectives of Ethical and Moral Leadership." This important topic has implications for both sacred and secular organizations. Scholarly manuscripts that research biblical and ecclesial perspectives of emotional intelligence are welcomed. We invite scholars of all Christian faith traditions to respectfully engage the field of knowledge and understanding of organizational spirituality as found within Scripture. We encourage research exploring topics including, but not limited to, (a) ethical decision-making in the early church; (b) moral courage and moral injury; (c) New Testament perspectives of ethical leadership; (d) ethical leadership and artificial intelligence; and (e) contemporary implications for biblical research of ethical and moral leadership. While Biblical Perspectives of Ethical and Moral Leadership is the theme for 2024, authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that explore various leadership topics from a biblical perspective. Abstracts are due by July 1, 2024, and completed manuscripts are due by August 31, 2024, to be considered for the Fall 2024 issue of JBPL.

Submission Guidelines:

The editor will screen the manuscript for appropriateness and then send it to at least two reviewers for detailed assessment. Exegetical, social, leadership, organizational, conceptual, and historical studies using qualitative methods are welcome. The primary criteria will be the soundness of the methodological approach and grounding in exegetical and leadership studies theories. Exegetical contributions extending existing leadership concepts and theories in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures are welcome.

Manuscripts should be submitted to the editor as an e-mail attachment in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format to

Include correct author identifying information on the title page only and remove the author's information in the "tools-options-user information" section. If there are multiple authors, please identify the contact author.

  • Place the title of the manuscript at the top of the abstract page.
  • The submission should contain all tables, figures, and references in a single file.
  • Please include three or four keywords in your e-mail to help us assign the manuscript to the appropriate reviewers.
  • Please also include your assurances that the manuscript is original and is not under review at any other journal.
  • Your submission will be acknowledged by return e-mail when assigned to reviewers (usually within one week of receipt).

Please make sure that:

  • Your submission (including references) conforms to the writing style as outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition) or APA (7th edition).
  • All text, including references, is double-spaced in Arial font (12-point type) with one-inch margins.
  • Your title page includes complete contact information for all authors, including mailing addresses, email addresses, phone, and fax numbers.
  • Your abstract is 200 words or less.
  • Your submission contains only the necessary footnotes.
  • Nothing in your manuscript file other than the title page identifies the authors. Before submission, please erase manuscript "properties" (under FILE in Microsoft Word).
  • The text of your submission, including the abstract, body of the paper, and references (but not including the title page, tables, and figures), is at most 40 pages.
  • Any prior publication of data featured in the manuscript is explicitly acknowledged either in the manuscript or in the transmittal letter to the editor. Any forthcoming or "in press" articles that use the data should be forwarded to the editor with the submission. Please provide proof of copyright clearance for any previously published materials used in the article, such as photographs, tables, charts, graphics, etc.

Your submission should include a brief author's bio for each author, noting name, position/title, organization, and email address. All authors submitting for publication must complete a Permission to Publish form.

As they become available, archived issues of the Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership (JBPL) will be posted in this section.

The Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership is a refereed scholarly journal that aims to provide a forum for international research and exploration of leadership studies focused on the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.

Representing the multidisciplinary fields of biblical, social-science, historical and leadership studies, the JBPL publishes qualitative research papers that explore, engage and extend the field of knowledge and understanding of the phenomenon of leadership as found within the contexts of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures.

To stimulate scholarly debate and a free flow of ideas, the Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership is published in electronic format and provides access to all issues free of charge.

Vol. 1, No. 1 Vol. 1, No. 2
Vol. 2, No. 1 Vol. 2, No. 2
Vol. 3, No. 1 Vol. 3, No. 2
Vol. 4, No. 1  
Vol. 5, No. 1  
Vol. 6, No. 1  
Vol. 7, No. 1  
Vol. 8, No. 1  
Vol. 9, No. 1  
Vol. 10, No. 1  
Vol. 11, No. 1  
Vol. 12, No. 1  
Vol. 13, No. 1  


Mailing Address:

Attn: Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership (JBPL)
School of Business & Leadership
1000 Regent University Drive,
Classroom Building, Suite 257
Virginia Beach, VA 23464 USA


The Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership is a publication of the
Regent University School of Business & Leadership | © 2024
1000 Regent University Drive | Virginia Beach, VA 23464 | 757.352.4550 | | ISSN 1941-4692